由于正在等待毒品检测结果, 爱尔兰共和国前足球运动员安东尼·斯托克斯因拥有可卡因和危险驾驶而被判处的判决被推迟到10月8日. Former Republic of Ireland footballer Anthony Stokes' sentencing for cocaine possession and dangerous driving is postponed to October 8 due to pending drug test results.
爱尔兰前共和国足球运动员Anthony Stokes的判刑已推迟至10月8日, Sentencing for Anthony Stokes, a former Republic of Ireland footballer, has been postponed until October 8 due to pending drug test results. Stokes, 36, 认罪 持有可卡因, 酒后驾车, 以及4项在都柏林高速追逐后危险驾驶的指控。 Stokes, 36, pleaded guilty to cocaine possession, drink-driving, and four counts of dangerous driving after a high-speed chase in Dublin. 他的辩护人试图避免坐牢时间,理由是他努力打击吸毒成瘾,以及他作为三个孩子的父亲所承担的责任。 His defense is seeking to avoid jail time, citing his efforts to combat addiction and his responsibility as a father of three.