24 岁的约翰·保罗·斯托克斯 (John Paul Stokes) 因供应毒品被判处 26 个月监禁,尽管之前有 59 次定罪。 John Paul Stokes, 24, sentenced to 26 months for drug supply, despite 59 prior convictions.
约翰·保罗·斯托克斯 (John Paul Stokes) 是一名 24 岁的男子,有 59 次前科,因与毒品有关的罪行被判处 26 个月监禁,包括供应可卡因、普瑞巴林和大麻,以及持有佐匹克隆。 John Paul Stokes, a 24-year-old with 59 prior convictions, was sentenced to 26 months in prison for drug-related offenses including supplying cocaine, pregabalin, and cannabis, and possessing zopiclone. 这些罪行于 2023 年 2 月被发现,当时在另一个人被没收的手机上发现了证据。 The crimes were uncovered in February 2023 when evidence was found on another individual’s seized phone. 尽管被认为对公众没有重大风险,但法官尼尔·拉弗蒂 (Neil Rafferty) 强调需要对该市的毒品供应产生强大的威慑力。 Despite being deemed not a significant risk to the public, Judge Neil Rafferty emphasized the need for a strong deterrent against drug supply in the city.