55岁的泰勒的罗素·迪恩·斯托克斯(Russell Dean Stokes)于7月30日被捕,罪名是对未成年人进行性剥削和分发儿童性虐待材料。 55-year-old Russell Dean Stokes of Taylors was arrested on July 30 for sexual exploitation of a minor and distributing child sexual abuse material.
55岁的南卡罗来纳州泰勒市的拉塞尔·迪恩·斯托克斯(Russell Dean Stokes)于7月30日被总检察长办公室逮捕,罪名是对未成年人进行性剥削,分发儿童性虐待材料。 55-year-old Russell Dean Stokes of Taylors, SC faced arrest on July 30 by the Attorney General's Office for sexual exploitation of a minor, distributing child sexual abuse material. 斯托克斯被指控犯有三项二级性剥削罪,此前曾于2020年因相关指控被捕,目前正在等待此案的审判,起诉由总检察长办公室处理。 Charged with three counts of second-degree sexual exploitation, Stokes was previously arrested on related charges in 2020 and is awaiting trial for this case, with prosecution handled by the Attorney General's Office.