津巴布韦保险理事会财务经理因据称使用假凭单盗窃371 000美元而面临盗窃指控。 Finance manager of Zimbabwe's Insurance Council faces theft charges for allegedly stealing $371,000, using fake vouchers.
津巴布韦保险理事会财务经理Osward Tutai被控盗窃371 000美元。 Osward Tutai, finance manager of the Insurance Council of Zimbabwe, has been charged with the theft of $371,000. 据称,他在2022年1月至5月期间从ICZ的Stanbic银行账户提取资金供个人使用,伪造凭单以掩盖交易。 He allegedly withdrew the funds from ICZ's Stanbic bank account between January and May 2022 for personal use, creating fake vouchers to disguise the transactions. Tutai获得了300美元的保释金,将于10月25日再次出庭。 Tutai was granted $300 bail and will appear in court again on October 25. Lancelot Mutsokoti正在起诉此案。 The case is being prosecuted by Lancelot Mutsokoti.