22岁的埃里克·多西在2024年9月29日在路易斯安那州巴顿鲁日开车时被枪杀. 22-year-old Erik Dorsey was fatally shot while driving in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on September 29, 2024.
在2024年9月29日,在路易斯安那州巴顿鲁日的一次枪击事件,夺走了22岁的埃里克·多西的生命. On September 29, 2024, a shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, claimed the life of 22-year-old Erik Dorsey. 他在10号州际公路向西行驶时遭到枪击,导致另一辆车坠毁。 He was struck by gunfire while driving westbound on Interstate 10, leading to a crash with another vehicle. Dorsey因受伤在现场死亡,其他人住院。 Dorsey died at the scene from his injuries, and others were hospitalized. 巴顿鲁日警察局正在调查此事件, 寻求有关潜在嫌疑人或动机的信息. The Baton Rouge Police Department is investigating the incident, seeking information on potential suspects or motives.