在Baton Rouge发生的两起枪击事件中,造成两人受伤,其中一人在110州际公路驾驶时受伤。 Two shootings in Baton Rouge left two people injured, one while driving on Interstate 110.
星期天晚上,在Baton Rouge的110号州际公路发生了枪击事件,一名司机在向北行驶时被枪击受伤。 On Sunday evening, a shooting occurred on Interstate 110 in Baton Rouge, injuring a driver who was shot at while driving northbound. 受害者在从航空公司高速公路下车后停车,并报警。 The victim pulled over and called the police after exiting at Airline Highway. 伤者被送往医院,预计将康复。 The injured person was taken to a hospital and is expected to recover. 此外,在柳溪道发生了另一起枪击事件,导致另有一人被运送治疗。 Additionally, another shooting happened on Willow Creek Drive, resulting in one more individual being transported for treatment. 巴顿鲁日警察局和东巴顿鲁日警长办公室正在调查这两起事件. The Baton Rouge Police Department and East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office are investigating both incidents.