赛斯瓦里·帕蒂尔在Wakefit的睡眠实习计划中获得了90万卢比的"睡眠冠军". Saishwari Patil wins ₹9 lakh as 'Sleep Champion' in Wakefit's sleep internship program.
来自班加罗尔的投资银行家 Saishwari Patil 在 Wakefit 的睡眠实习计划第三季中被评为“睡眠冠军”,收入为 90 万卢比。 Saishwari Patil, an investment banker from Bengaluru, has been named 'Sleep Champion' in Wakefit's third season of its sleep internship program, earning ₹9 lakh. 该倡议促进高质量的睡眠,要求参与者夜间睡8-9小时,午睡20分钟。 The initiative promotes quality sleep, requiring participants to sleep 8-9 hours nightly and take 20-minute naps. 这项计划向超过100万个季节的申请人发放了63万拉克的津贴, 目的是在印度压力和长时间工作的背景下, 提高对睡眠重要性的认识。 With over 1 million applicants across seasons, the program has awarded ₹63 lakh in stipends, aiming to raise awareness about sleep's importance amid a backdrop of stress and long work hours in India.