蒙古在国际翻译日举行了第一次全国笔译员大会,由乌克纳阿·胡雷苏克总统领导。 Mongolia held its first national congress of translators on International Translation Day, led by President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh.
9月30日,蒙古庆祝国际翻译日, On September 30, Mongolia marked International Translation Day with its first national congress of translators, led by President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh. 这次活动是与蒙古国立大学和Montsame新闻社共同举办的,旨在表彰翻译专业人员,评估行业挑战,并讨论电子翻译和AI翻译的趋势。 Organized with the National University of Mongolia and Montsame news agency, the event aimed to honor translation professionals, assess industry challenges, and discuss trends in electronic and AI translation. 它还力求确定翻译部门人力资源政策的未来目标。 It also sought to establish future goals for human resource policies within the translation sector.