阿布扎比的Rabdan学院为阿联酋国民推出了一个独特的国防和安全翻译程序。 Abu Dhabi's Rabdan Academy introduces a unique defense and security translation program for UAE nationals.
阿布扎比的Rabdan学院推出了一个独特的国防与安全专业翻译方案,这是中东和北非地区的第一个。 The Rabdan Academy in Abu Dhabi has launched a unique Specialised Translation in Defence and Security program, the first in the Middle East and North Africa region. 为期5个月的方案提供最多40个经认证的小时,目的是使国家笔译员掌握国防和安全部门同时和连续翻译的技能。 The five-month program offers up to 40 accredited hours and is aimed at equipping national translators with skills in simultaneous and consecutive translation for the defense and security sectors. 它向具有特定资格的阿联酋国民开放,其中包括理论课程和实际培训。 Open to UAE nationals with specific qualifications, it includes theoretical courses and practical training.