Roblox 推出实时 AI 聊天翻译器,支持 16 种语言进行用户交互。 Roblox launches real-time AI chat translator supporting 16 languages for user interaction.
Roblox 推出了实时 AI 聊天翻译器,支持 16 种语言,包括英语、法语、日语、泰语、波兰语和越南语。 Roblox has launched a real-time AI chat translator that works with 16 languages, including English, French, Japanese, Thai, Polish, and Vietnamese. 目的是让用户通过理解彼此的消息来更轻松地相互交流。 The aim is to allow users to engage more comfortably with one another by understanding each other's messages. 该工具首先使用基于转换器的大型语言模型,然后将其置于专家混合 (MoE) 架构中,自动实时翻译聊天消息。 The tool, which begins by using a transformer-based large language model and then places it within a mixture of experts (MoE) architecture, translates chat messages in real-time, automatically.