欧洲央行前总统德拉吉提议欧盟每年投资800bn欧元用于国防和技术促进全球竞争力。 Former ECB President Draghi proposes €800bn annual EU investment in defense and tech for global competitiveness.
欧洲央行前行长德拉吉(Mario Draghi)提出了一个更加一体化的欧洲愿景,要求每年对国防和技术投资8 000亿欧元(13万亿美元),以提高欧盟的全球竞争力。 Former ECB President Mario Draghi proposed a vision for a more integrated Europe, calling for an annual €800 billion ($1.3 trillion) investment in defense and technology to enhance the EU's global competitiveness. 他的报告强调了欧盟在全球GDP中所占比重的下降 — — 现在为16.1 % — — 而美国为26%以上,中国近19%。 His report highlights the EU's declining share of global GDP—now 16.1%—compared to over 26% for the US and nearly 19% for China. Draghi强调银行和资本市场一体化的必要性,以支持经济复苏和竞争力。 Draghi emphasizes the need for banking and capital market integration to support economic recovery and competitiveness.