工程中断了东伦敦和南埃塞克斯的火车服务,影响到星期天在主要路线上的旅行。 Engineering works disrupt train services in East London and South Essex, affecting Sunday travel on key routes.
东伦敦和南埃塞克斯的工程工作导致火车服务严重中断,从晚上 8 点 40 分开始,并影响周日的旅行。 Engineering works in East London and South Essex are causing significant disruptions to train services, starting at 8:40 PM and affecting travel on Sunday. 诸如Fenchurch街至Barking/Umpminster等主要路线将转向利物浦街,略去几个站。 Key routes such as Fenchurch Street to Barking/Upminster will be diverted to Liverpool Street, omitting several stations. 提供航天飞机和铁路更换服务。 Shuttle and rail replacement services are available. 敦促乘客检查更新和备用路线,因为在此期间,在选定线路上接受机票。 Passengers are urged to check for updates and alternative routes, as ticket acceptance is offered on select lines during this period.