33岁的Jeffrey Kelly因在爱尔兰Ennis逮捕未遂中咬了警察而被判处18个月监禁。 33-year-old Jeffrey Kelly was sentenced to 18 months in prison for biting a Garda during an arrest attempt in Ennis, Ireland.
Jeffrey Kelly, 33岁,因3月5日在爱尔兰Ennis的一次逮捕未遂中殴打Garda Michael O'Neill,被判处18个月监禁,缓期14个月。 Jeffrey Kelly, 33, has been sentenced to 18 months in prison, with 14 months suspended, for biting Garda Michael O'Neill during an arrest attempt in Ennis, Ireland, on March 5. 凯利承认袭击罪,有 114 次前科,导致流血但没有造成严重伤害。 Kelly, who pleaded guilty to assault and has 114 prior convictions, caused bleeding but did not inflict a serious injury. 他的律师辩称,如果受害人不是警察,案件可能不会提交巡回法院。 His lawyer argued the case may not have reached Circuit Court if the victim were not a Garda. Kelly在事件发生前列举了药物滥用问题。 Kelly cited substance abuse issues prior to the incident.