悉尼耗资 210 亿澳元的地铁线由 Matthew Pullinger 设计,于 8 月开通,通过 7 个未来主义车站连接 Chatswood 和 Sydenham。 Sydney's $21bn metro line, designed by Matthew Pullinger, opened in August, connecting Chatswood to Sydenham with 7 futuristic stations.
悉尼的21亿美元的地铁线路于8月开通, 连接了查茨伍德和赛登汉, 设有7个未来站, 类似于"21世纪的教堂". Sydney's $21 billion metro line, which opened in August, connects Chatswood to Sydenham with seven futuristic stations likened to "cathedrals of the 21st century." 该项目由建筑师Matthew Pullinger设计,目的是加强城市更新,在一些台站之外提供住宅和办公空间,以抵消费用。 Designed by architect Matthew Pullinger, the project aims to enhance urban renewal, providing residential and office space above some stations to offset costs. 它有16种公共艺术品,力求改善获得就业、文化和教育的机会,促进城市的社会可持续性。 It features 16 public artworks and seeks to improve access to jobs, culture, and education, promoting social sustainability in the city.