希娜罗德里格斯敦促德克萨斯官员调查UAC设施中涉嫌的虐待,支持HB 5000加强州法律. Sheena Rodriguez urges Texas officials to investigate alleged abuse in UAC facilities, supports HB 5000 for enhanced state laws.
一个安全的得克萨斯州联盟的创始人Sheena Rodriguez敦促得克萨斯州官员调查和加强监督无人陪伴的外籍儿童设施。 Sheena Rodriguez, founder of Alliance for a Safe Texas, is urging Texas officials to investigate and enhance oversight of facilities for unaccompanied alien children (UACs). 她声称,美国卫生与公众服务部订约雇用的这些纳税人资助的设施面临虐待和忽视的指控。 She claims these taxpayer-funded facilities, contracted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, face allegations of abuse and neglect. 罗德里格斯支持州议员斯坦·基兹曼的法案HB 5000加强州法律以应对对德克萨斯州UAC福利的担忧. Rodriguez supports State Rep. Stan Kitzman's bill HB 5000 to strengthen state laws in response to rising concerns about UAC welfare in Texas.