德克萨斯州法官阻止了德克萨斯州总检察长关闭美墨边境的天使报喜之家移民庇护所的企图。 Texas Judge blocks Texas AG's attempt to shut down Annunciation House migrant shelter on US-Mexico border.
德克萨斯州法官弗朗西斯科·多明计斯阻止德克萨斯州总检察长关闭美墨边境移民庇护所的努力。 Texas Judge Francisco Dominguez blocks Texas AG's effort to shut down migrant shelter on US-Mexico border. 埃尔帕索法官裁定,得克萨斯州总检察长肯·帕克斯顿 (Ken Paxton) 试图关闭位于美墨边境已有数十年历史的移民庇护所“天使报喜之家”(Annunciation House),理由是该机构鼓励移民非法进入该国。 El Paso judge rules against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's attempt to shut down Annunciation House, a decades-old migrant shelter on the U.S.-Mexico border, over claims it encourages migrants to enter the country illegally. 法官的裁决阻止该州立即获取帕克斯顿办公室上个月要求的内部文件,批评帕克斯顿“不顾正当程序或公平竞争”对庇护所“粗暴”。 The judge's ruling stops the state from immediately obtaining internal documents that Paxton's office demanded last month, criticizing Paxton for running "roughshod" over the shelter "without regard to due process or fair play."