加拿大宠物运输在2013年至2019年期间增长了4000%,其驱动因素是COVID-19和复杂的边境要求。 400% growth in Canadian pet transportation from 2013 to 2019, driven by COVID-19 and complex border requirements.
加拿大对宠物运输的需求激增,2013年至2019年增长了400%以上。 The demand for pet transportation in Canada has surged, with over 400% growth from 2013 to 2019. 6个加拿大宠物所有者中有1个以上带着宠物出国,部分受COVID-19流行病的驱使。 More than one in six Canadian pet owners have traveled abroad with their pets, driven partly by the COVID-19 pandemic. 然而,跨越边界可能很复杂,年龄、接种疫苗和微型切片等要求也各不相同。 However, crossing borders can be complex, with varying requirements like age, vaccinations, and microchipping. 美国要求为狗提供免费的在线表格。 The U.S. requires a free online form for dogs. 有些国家,包括澳大利亚和新西兰,要求进行隔离,使旅行后勤工作复杂化。 Some countries, including Australia and New Zealand, mandate quarantine, complicating travel logistics.