安大略诺福克县从2022年开始采用 " 蓝箱 " 回收生产者责任模式。 Norfolk County, Ontario, adopts a producer responsibility model for Blue Box recycling, beginning in 2022.
安大略诺福克县正在将其 " 蓝箱 " 回收方案转变为生产者责任模式,对2021年省政府批准的所有市镇都有效。 Norfolk County, Ontario, is shifting its Blue Box recycling program to a producer responsibility model, effective for all municipalities as approved by the provincial government in 2021. 居民和企业不会看到每周路边回收服务有任何变化,这种服务将继续使用现有的材料两箱系统。 Residents and businesses will see no changes in the weekly curbside recycling service, which will continue using the existing two-box system for materials. 接受的可回收废物保持不变,可按提供的联系号码向Norfolk处理服务有限公司查询。 Accepted recyclables remain the same, and inquiries can be directed to Norfolk Disposal Services Ltd. at the provided contact numbers.