伦敦东伦敦的穆斯林妇女通过Poplar HARCA发起的妇女专用划桨运动计划,成为伦敦第一个全女性、穆斯林领导的船俱乐部。 Muslim women in East London form London's first all-female, Muslim-led boat club through a women-only paddle sports program initiated by Poplar HARCA.
东伦敦的穆斯林妇女正在通过由Poplar HARCA发起的妇女专用划桨体育计划挑战文化障碍。 Muslim women in East London are challenging cultural barriers through a women-only paddle sports program, initiated by Poplar HARCA. 该倡议的参加者从18人增加到约70人,导致组成了伦敦第一个由穆斯林领导的全女性船俱乐部,共有9名合格的教员。 Growing from 18 to about 70 participants, the initiative has led to the formation of London's first all-female, Muslim-led boat club, with nine qualified instructors. 该方案旨在改善对地方水道的利用,并促进包容,解决文化和经济障碍,赋予社区妇女权力。 Aiming to improve access to local waterways and promote inclusion, the program addresses cultural and economic barriers, empowering women in the community.