在卡塔尔举行的首脑会议注重加强穆斯林妇女在公共生活中的作用和贡献。 Summit in Qatar focuses on enhancing Muslim women's roles and contributions in public life.
卡塔尔基金会Al-Mujadilah中心主办的贾达尔研究峰会有高级官员参加,重点讨论穆斯林妇女在公共生活中的作用。 The Jadal research summit, hosted by Qatar Foundation's Al-Mujadilah Center and attended by high-ranking officials, focused on the role of Muslim women in public life. 来自各大洲的100多名代表讨论了法律、历史和健康等主题。 Over 100 delegates from various continents discussed themes including law, history, and health. 活动旨在促进一个重视妇女贡献和观点的包容性穆斯林社会。 The event aims to promote an inclusive Muslim society that values women's contributions and perspectives.