一名男子在加利福尼亚的红木市被致命枪击身亡,后来在一家当地医院死亡。 A man was fatally shot in Redwood City, California, and later died at a local hospital.
美国加利福尼亚州雷德伍德城一名男子在星期五晚上10点43分左右在埃尔卡米诺皇家路上被枪杀. A man was fatally shot in Redwood City, California, on Friday night around 10:43 PM on El Camino Real. 他后来被送到当地医院,在那里因一枪伤而死亡。 He was later dropped off at a local hospital, where he died from a single gunshot wound. 没有逮捕任何人,关于嫌疑人或情况的细节也不明确。 No arrests have been made, and details about the suspect or the circumstances are unclear. 红树林市警察局正在积极进行调查,并敦促任何有情报的人打电话(650)780-7100。 The Redwood City Police Department is conducting an active investigation and urges anyone with information to call (650) 780-7100.