在重新造林合同提案终止期间,菲律宾100个假脸书账户诽谤了菲律宾的Masungi Georeservest。 100 fake Facebook accounts defamed Masungi Georeserve in the Philippines during a reforestation contract proposal termination.
菲律宾著名的自然保护区马松吉地质保护区面临着一场涉及近100个虚假脸书账号的虚假网络谤活动. The Masungi Georeserve in the Philippines, a celebrated nature reserve, has faced a fake online smear campaign involving nearly 100 fraudulent Facebook accounts. 这些账户散布关于该储备金的误导性说法,并攻击宣传保护该储备金的名人。 These accounts spread misleading claims about the reserve and attacked celebrities advocating for its protection. 该运动与环境和自然资源部关于终止一项关键的重新造林合同的建议同时进行。 The campaign coincided with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources' proposal to terminate a key reforestation contract. DENR否认与这些帐户有任何联系,Meta大部分已撤销这些帐户。 The DENR denies any connection to the accounts, which Meta has mostly removed.