社交媒体平台会影响自然欣赏,但需要更严格的节制和行为准则以防止伤害。 Social media platforms impact nature appreciation but require stricter moderation and codes of conduct to prevent harm.
社交媒体平台可以提高自然欣赏、物种可见度和公民科学。 Social media platforms boost nature appreciation, species visibility, and citizen science. 然而,由于不道德的做法和位置过度共享,它们可能导致过度拥挤、野生动物干扰和物种灭绝。 However, they can lead to overcrowding, wildlife disturbance, and species extinction due to unethical practices and location over-sharing. 为了减轻伤害,更严格的节制、更清晰的行为准则和更好的土地管理至关重要,社交媒体群组管理员在促进负责任的行为方面发挥着重要作用。 To mitigate harm, stricter moderation, clearer codes of conduct, and better land management are essential, with social media group admins playing a significant role in promoting responsible behavior.