在菲律宾,100个假脸书账户抹黑了Masungi Georeservations, 与一项终止其重新造林合同的建议同时发生。 100 fake Facebook accounts smeared Masungi Georeserve in the Philippines, coinciding with a proposal to terminate its reforestation contract.
菲律宾的 Masungi Georeserve 是一个由气候活动家支持的网站,在社交媒体上面临涉及近 100 个虚假 Facebook 账户的抹黑活动。 The Masungi Georeserve in the Philippines, a site supported by climate activists, has faced a smear campaign on social media involving nearly 100 fake Facebook accounts. 这些账户散布误导信息,而且正值环境和自然资源部提议终止与该储备金的重新造林合同之时。 These accounts spread misleading information and coincided with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources' proposal to terminate a reforestation contract with the reserve. 虽然DENR否认与这些账户有任何联系,但Meta在英国广播公司调查后撤销了大部分账户。 While DENR denies any connection to the accounts, Meta removed most after a BBC inquiry.