32岁的Jonathan Ochart于2023年搬到LA, 32-year-old Jonathan Ochart moved to LA in 2023, found homeownership unaffordable, and chose to rent due to high housing costs.
32 岁的乔纳森·奥查特 (Jonathan Ochart) 于 2023 年搬到洛杉矶从事公关业务,但发现拥有房屋的费用负担不起,公寓价格约为 100 万美元。 Jonathan Ochart, 32, moved to Los Angeles in 2023 for his PR business but found homeownership unaffordable, with modest condos priced around $1 million. 相反,他选择在比佛利山租一间单卧室,每月2 100美元。 Instead, he chose to rent a one-bedroom in Beverly Hills for $2,100 a month. 他的经验反映了主要城市青年专业人员的更广泛趋势,他们面临高住房费用,使租房比买房更可行,特别是没有财政援助。 His experience reflects a broader trend among young professionals in major cities, who face high housing costs, making renting more feasible than buying, particularly without financial assistance.