61岁的Helena Malone在高地社区医院停车场杀害了79岁的母亲Helen Plaisance,然后在警察赶到之前开枪自杀。 61-year-old Helena Malone murdered her 79-year-old mother, Helen Plaisance, in Highland Community Hospital's parking lot, then shot herself before police arrived.
在密西西比的皮卡尤内,在高地社区医院停车场发生了一起谋杀自杀事件,造成61岁的海伦娜·马隆和她79岁的母亲海伦·佩利斯死亡。 In Picayune, Mississippi, a murder-suicide occurred in the parking lot of Highland Community Hospital, resulting in the deaths of 61-year-old Helena Malone and her 79-year-old mother, Helen Plaisance. 在向母亲开枪之后,Malone报警,然后在警察到来之前开枪自杀。 After shooting her mother, Malone called the police and then shot herself before officers arrived. 两名妇女都被带到急诊室,但没有存活下来。 Both women were taken to the emergency room but did not survive. 没有关于其他受伤的报告,警察正在调查动机。 No other injuries were reported, and police are investigating the motive.