84岁的Beverly Vitale和60岁的儿子Scott Vitale死于阿拉巴马州DeKalb县的谋杀自杀。 84-year-old Beverly Vitale and 60-year-old son Scott Vitale died in a murder-suicide in DeKalb County, Alabama.
亚拉巴马州DeKalb县正在调查一起谋杀自杀案 涉及一名84岁的女性 贝弗利维塔利 和她60岁的儿子斯科特维塔利 DeKalb County, Alabama is investigating a murder-suicide involving an 84-year-old woman, Beverly Vitale, and her 60-year-old son, Scott Vitale. 代表们在Grove Oak的50号县道的家中进行福利检查时发现了他们的尸体,上面有明显的枪伤。 Deputies discovered their bodies with apparent gunshot wounds during a welfare check at their home on County Road 50 in Grove Oak. 当局认为,儿子在自杀前开枪打死了他的母亲,没有对周围的社区构成任何危险。 Authorities believe the son shot his mother before taking his own life, and no danger to the surrounding community is posed.