密西西比州 14 岁女孩在被捕前杀害了母亲、一名教师并打伤了继父。 14-year-old girl in Mississippi kills mother, a teacher, and injures stepfather before arrest.
密西西比州一名 14 岁女孩涉嫌杀害了她的母亲(西北兰金高中的一名教师),并打伤了她的继父,然后因谋杀和谋杀未遂罪名被捕。 14-year-old girl in Mississippi allegedly killed her mother, a teacher at Northwest Rankin High School, and injured her stepfather before being arrested on charges of murder and attempted murder. 这名少女开枪射杀了她 40 岁的母亲阿什利·斯迈利 (Ashley Smylie),然后试图射杀她的继父,继父在她逃跑前成功地从她手中夺走了枪。 The teen shot her mother, 40-year-old Ashley Smylie, and then attempted to shoot her stepfather, who managed to wrestle the gun away from her before she fled. 这名女孩后来被密西西比州公路巡逻直升机发现并逮捕。 The girl was later found and arrested by a Mississippi Highway Patrol helicopter. 斯迈利的死因将由州法医办公室确定。 The cause of death for Smylie will be determined by the State Medical Examiner's Office.