在杰克逊维尔的杜尔凯维尔发生无生命威胁的枪击事件后,有人住院治疗。 A person was hospitalized after a non-life-threatening shooting in Durkeeville, Jacksonville.
星期四晚上11点左右,有人在Jacksonville的Durkeeville被多枪射击后住院治疗。 A person was hospitalized after being shot multiple times in Durkeeville, Jacksonville, on Thursday night around 11 p.m. 受害人处于无生命威胁状态,在事件发生前参与了与枪手的战斗。 The victim, who is in non-life-threatening condition, was involved in a fight with the shooter before the incident. 杰克逊维尔治安官办公室正在调查此案 The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office is investigating the case.