男子在杰克逊维尔制造房屋社区争吵时胸部中弹;嫌疑人被拘留。 Man shot in chest during argument at Jacksonville manufactured home community; suspect detained.
周六凌晨12点50分左右 在杰克逊维尔高地的Deerpointe人造家园社区 夜间争吵时 一名30多岁的男子胸部中弹 A man in his thirties was shot in the chest during an overnight argument at Deerpointe Manufactured Home Community in Jacksonville Heights around 12:50 a.m. on Saturday. 受害人和共同居住的嫌疑人在警察到达时已经离开现场。 The victim and the suspect, who lived together, had already left the scene when police arrived. 该男子预计会存活下来,嫌疑人已被拘留。 The man is expected to survive, and the suspect has been detained. Jacksonville警长办公室正在调查这起事件 The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident.