2025 Idaho谋杀案审判辩护请求改变审判,因为陪审员担心,如果无罪开释,会受到公开暴力的关注。 2025 Idaho murder trial defense requests trial change due to juror concerns of public violence if acquitted.
布莱恩·科伯格 (Bryan Kohberger) 的辩护团队透露了拉塔县潜在陪审员的担忧,该县备受瞩目的科伯格谋杀案审判将于 2025 年 6 月进行,科伯格被指控杀害了四名爱达荷大学学生。 Bryan Kohberger's defense team has revealed potential jurors' concerns in Latah County, where the high-profile murder trial of Kohberger, accused of killing four University of Idaho students, is set to take place in June 2025. 陪审员们表示担心,如果科伯格被宣告无罪,就会发生公开暴力,促使他要求改变审判的辩护理由,并列举了潜在的偏见和公共动乱的危险。 Jurors expressed fears of public violence if Kohberger is acquitted, prompting his defense to request a trial change, citing potential bias and danger of public unrest. 辩方援引了前两起案件,其中,审判因公布而进行,关于该动议的听讯定于8月29日举行。 The defense has cited two previous cases where trials were moved due to publicity, and a hearing on the motion is scheduled for August 29th.