由于Latah县存在偏见问题,辩方要求改变Kohberger的审判地点。 Defense seeks change of venue for Kohberger's trial due to bias concerns in Latah County.
Bryan Kohberger的辩护小组正在寻求改变审判地点,定于2025年6月进行,因为人们担心Latah县存在偏见,在该县发生了2022年谋杀爱达荷大学四名学生的事件。 Bryan Kohberger's defense team is seeking a change of venue for his trial, set for June 2025, due to concerns about bias in Latah County where the 2022 murder of four University of Idaho students took place. 被告辩称,当地社区对Kohberger的“暴民心态”和潜在的偏见可能危及公平审判。 The defense argues that a "mob mentality" and potential prejudice against Kohberger in the local community could jeopardize a fair trial. 听证会将决定是否将审判转移到另一个地点,如阿达县、州首府和大城市。 A hearing will determine whether the trial will be moved to a different location, such as Ada County, the state's capital and largest city. 检察官辩称,在莫斯科可以进行公正公正的审判,并批评辩方为支持其改变地点动议而采用的调查结论。 Prosecutors argue that a fair and impartial trial can be held in Moscow and criticized the survey findings used by the defense to support their change of venue motion.