英国航空公司从希思罗飞往阿伯丁的BA1306航班由于驾驶舱烟雾在曼彻斯特紧急降落。 British Airways flight BA1306 from Heathrow to Aberdeen made an emergency landing in Manchester due to cockpit smoke.
英国航空公司一架从希思罗飞往阿伯丁的航班(BA1306)由于驾驶舱的烟雾和烟雾在曼彻斯特紧急降落。 A British Airways flight (BA1306) from Heathrow to Aberdeen made an emergency landing in Manchester due to smoke and fumes in the cockpit. 飞机于上午8时45分起飞,在机组人员报告技术问题后转道飞行。 The flight, which took off at 8:45 am, was diverted after the crew reported a technical issue. 应急服务作出了反应,但情况被认为并不严重。 Emergency services responded, but the situation was deemed not serious. 事件的确切原因正在调查之中,随后将更新。 The exact cause of the incident is under investigation, and updates will follow.