由于低燃料和恶劣天气,波音787和300+乘客在伯明翰紧急降落。 Boeing 787 with 300+ passengers made an emergency landing in Birmingham due to low fuel and bad weather.
一个拥有300多名乘客的TUI Boeing 787号机于2023年12月在伯明翰紧急降落,原因是在曼彻斯特和东米德兰没有降落,风高,燃料低。 A TUI Boeing 787 with over 300 passengers had to make an emergency landing in Birmingham in December 2023 due to high winds and low fuel, after failing to land at Manchester and East Midlands. 这架飞机低于其建议的燃料限额35%。 The plane was 35% below its recommended fuel limit. 飞行员在起飞前增加了额外的燃料,但飞行仍几乎用完燃料,降落时只剩下20分钟。 The pilot had added extra fuel before takeoff, but the flight still nearly ran out of fuel, with only 20 minutes left when landing. 空中事故调查处发现,伯明翰的空中交通管制本可以更早地将飞行列为优先。 The Air Accidents Investigation Branch found that Birmingham's air traffic control could have prioritized the flight sooner. 正在对安全措施加以澄清,以便更好地处理紧急飞机转用问题。 Safety measures are being clarified to better handle emergency aircraft diversions.