62 岁的牧师和前“幸存者”参赛者约翰·雷蒙德 (John Raymond) 在路易斯安那州被判犯有虐待青少年罪,面临最高 40 年的监禁。 62-year-old pastor and former "Survivor" contestant John Raymond found guilty of juvenile cruelty in Louisiana, faces up to 40 years in prison.
John Raymond, 62岁的牧师, 曾是「泰国生存者」的参赛者, 在路易斯安那州被判犯有三起青少年虐待重罪。 John Raymond, a 62-year-old pastor and former "Survivor: Thailand" contestant, was found guilty of three felony counts of juvenile cruelty in Louisiana. 他将3名13岁学生的嘴绑在胶带上,并覆盖了4岁学生的嘴,使他一瘸一拐。 He taped the mouths of three 13-year-old students and covered a 4-year-old's mouth, causing him to go limp. Raymond在因虐待投诉引发的2022年调查之后,面临长达40年的监禁,刑期为10月23日。 Following a 2022 investigation prompted by abuse complaints, Raymond faces up to 40 years in prison, with sentencing set for October 23. 他坚持无罪, 声称自己是"取消文化"的受害者. He maintains his innocence, claiming victimization by "cancel culture."