马萨诸塞大学Amherst研究质疑Facebook的算法在减少选举误报方面的功效。 University of Massachusetts Amherst study questions Facebook's algorithm's effectiveness in reducing election misinformation.
马萨诸塞大学Amherst的研究质疑先前的研究, 认为Facebook的算法有效减少选举误报。 A study from the University of Massachusetts Amherst has challenged prior research claiming that Facebook's algorithm effectively reduces election misinformation. UMass小组发现,先前的研究忽略了一种临时算法变化,这种变化确实将错误信息限制在24%。 The UMass team found that previous studies overlooked a temporary algorithm change that did limit misinformation by 24%. 他们认为,包括Meta在内的社交媒体公司应透明地披露算法变化和预先登记的研究报告,以确保结果不偏不倚。 They argue that social media companies, including Meta, should transparently disclose algorithm changes and pre-register studies to ensure unbiased results. 许多美国人担心错误信息对选举的影响,因此公众对错误信息的关切仍然很高。 Public concern about misinformation remains high as many Americans fear its impact on elections.