Meta最后由第三方进行事实核查,转而采用以用户为旗号的系统,引起人们对不断上升的错误信息感到担忧。 Meta ends fact-checking by third parties, shifts to user-flagging system, sparking worries over rising misinformation.
Meta, Facebook的母公司, 将不再使用独立的事实审查器, Meta, parent company of Facebook, will no longer use independent fact-checkers, instead relying on a "community notes" section for users to flag false posts. 批评者警告这一转变可能会增加错误信息并破坏民主。 Critics warn this shift could increase misinformation and undermine democracy. 此举影响到7 000多万个群体和网页,使人们对虚假信息的传播及其对公共讨论和社会的影响表示关切。 The move affects over 70 million groups and pages, raising concerns about the spread of false information and its impact on public discourse and society.