阿联酋和美国在2024年10月开始的全球入境方案中为阿联酋公民签署协议。 UAE and US sign agreement for UAE citizens in Global Entry Program starting October 2024.
阿联酋和美国签署了一项协定,自2024年10月起将阿联酋公民纳入全球入境方案。 The UAE and US have signed an agreement to include UAE citizens in the Global Entry Program, starting October 2024. 这一举措旨在加快阿联酋人在美国75个机场的入境速度,加强安全和缩短等待时间。 This initiative aims to expedite entry for Emiratis at 75 US airports, enhancing security and reducing wait times. 经批准的与会者可使用全球入境站,但进入美国仍必须持有有效的美国签证。 Approved participants can use Global Entry kiosks, but must still possess a valid US visa to enter the country. 两国政府将最后确定阿联酋充分参与该方案的标准。 Both governments will finalize the criteria for full UAE participation in the program.