阿联酋航空为具有特定居住地的印度护照持有者提供预先批准的落地签证,以加快迪拜的通关速度。 Emirates Airlines offers pre-approved visa-on-arrival for Indian passport holders with specific residencies, expediting customs in Dubai.
阿联酋航空为通过阿联酋航空预订旅行的印度护照持有者推出了预先批准的落地签证设施,通过迪拜签证处理中心 (DVPC) 完成流程。 Emirates Airlines has introduced a pre-approved visa-on-arrival facility for Indian passport holders who have booked their travel with the airline, fulfilling the process through Dubai Visa Processing Centre (DVPC). 14 天单次入境签证允许乘客在抵达迪拜时免排队并简化海关手续。 The 14-day single-entry visa allows passengers to skip queues upon arrival in Dubai and streamline customs procedures. 然而,这项服务仅限于持有六个月有效美国签证、美国绿卡、欧盟居留权或英国居留权的印度护照持有者。 However, this service is exclusive to Indian passport holders with a valid six-month visa for the US, US Green Card, EU Residency, or UK Residency. 签证的签发仍由居住和外交事务总局自行决定。 The visa issuance remains at the discretion of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs.