9月23日,在英属哥伦比亚省梅普尔里奇,一名男子被熊喷,导致附近一名枪击受害者;两人住院,但没有持续的威胁. 23 September, a man bear-sprayed in Maple Ridge, BC, led to a shooting victim nearby; both hospitalized, but no ongoing threat.
在不列颠哥伦比亚省枫树岭(Maple Ridge),9月23日发生了一起可疑事件,涉及一名男子被发现在房屋外喷了熊喷雾,另一名男子被发现在附近被枪杀。 In Maple Ridge, British Columbia, a suspicious incident on September 23 involved a man found bear-sprayed outside a home and another man discovered shot nearby. 这名被熊抢走的男子受轻伤,而被枪击的受害者虽住院,但没有重伤,后来获释。 The bear-sprayed man sustained minor injuries, while the shooting victim, who was hospitalized but not critically injured, was later released. 警方认为枪击是针对目标,没有报告对公共安全的持续威胁。 Police believe the shooting was targeted and report no ongoing threat to public safety. 调查仍在进行中,进一步细节尚待进一步说明。 The investigation is still active, with further details pending.