印度军队将受伤的联合国士兵从戈兰高地撤至新德里治疗。 Indian Army evacuates injured UN soldier from Golan Heights to New Delhi for treatment.
印度军队成功地将受伤的Havildar Suresh R从戈兰高地联合国脱离接触观察员部队撤到新德里。 The Indian Army successfully evacuated Havildar Suresh R, an injured soldier from the UN Disengagement Observer Force in the Golan Heights, to New Delhi. 医疗队由Anuj Singh中校率领,与各机构协调,使用C-130型空中救护车进行行动。 Led by Lt. Col. Anuj Singh, the medical team utilized a C-130 air ambulance for the operation, coordinating with various agencies. 这名士兵头部严重受伤,在飞行期间接受了重症治疗,并被转到陆军医院进一步治疗。 The soldier, who suffered serious head injuries, received critical care during the flight and was transferred to the Army Hospital for further treatment.