联邦法官驳回了纽约残疾人权利对纳索县面具透明法的诉讼,裁定该法案有与健康有关的豁免. Federal judge dismisses Disability Rights NY lawsuit against Nassau County's Mask Transparency Act, ruling it has health-related exemptions.
一名联邦法官驳回了纽约残疾人权利协会对拿骚州《面具透明法》提出的诉讼,该法禁止除出于健康和宗教原因外公开戴面具。 A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit from Disability Rights New York challenging Nassau County's Mask Transparency Act, which prohibits public mask-wearing except for health and religious reasons. 原告认为禁令歧视残疾人, 但美国区法官Joan Azrack裁定他们缺乏法律地位, The plaintiffs argued the ban discriminated against individuals with disabilities, but U.S. District Judge Joan Azrack ruled they lacked legal standing due to the law’s exemptions for health-related mask use. 县行政官员对裁决表示欢迎,称裁决加强了公共安全。 The county executive welcomed the ruling, stating it enhances public safety.