纽约残疾人权利组织提起联邦诉讼, 质疑纳索县的口罩禁令违宪和歧视. Disability Rights of New York files federal lawsuit challenging Nassau County's mask ban as unconstitutional and discriminatory.
纽约残疾人权利组织代表残疾人提出联邦集体诉讼, 质疑拿骚州禁止在公共场所戴面具。 Disability Rights of New York has filed a federal class action lawsuit on behalf of individuals with disabilities, challenging Nassau County's ban on masks in public spaces. 该诉讼声称法律违宪和具有歧视性,寻求一项临时禁止令和初步禁令,以停止执行该县的《面具透明法》。 The lawsuit, claiming the law is unconstitutional and discriminatory, seeks a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to halt enforcement of the county's Mask Transparency Act. 原告辩称,禁止戴面具对公众健康构成直接威胁,并歧视经常佩戴面具以保护的残疾人。 The plaintiffs argue that the mask ban poses a direct threat to public health and discriminates against people with disabilities who often wear masks for protection.