匹兹堡市议会通过一项法令,保护持有医用大麻卡的人免受就业歧视。 Pittsburgh City Council passes an ordinance protecting medical marijuana cardholders from employment discrimination.
匹兹堡市议会通过了一项一致法令,保护大麻持有者免受就业歧视,允许他们测试阳性而不担心终止,但特定高风险角色和某些集体谈判协议除外。 The Pittsburgh City Council has passed a unanimous ordinance protecting medical marijuana cardholders from employment discrimination, allowing them to test positive without fear of termination, except in specific high-risk roles and under certain collective bargaining agreements. 雇主仍然可以禁止在事故发生后或怀疑发生缺陷时现场使用和进行测试。 Employers can still prohibit on-site use and conduct tests after accidents or if impairment is suspected. 立法正等待Ed Gainey市长签字生效。 The legislation awaits Mayor Ed Gainey's signature to take effect.