59 岁的医用大麻使用者 Ivo Skoric 因药物检测呈阳性而失业,他向佛蒙特州最高法院上诉,要求领取失业救济金。 59-year-old medical marijuana user Ivo Skoric appeals to Vermont Supreme Court for unemployment benefits after job loss due to positive drug test.
59 岁的伊沃·斯科里奇 (Ivo Skoric) 是佛蒙特州居民,拥有医用大麻处方,因药物检测呈阳性而失业,并已向佛蒙特州最高法院上诉,要求获得失业救济金。 59-year-old Ivo Skoric, a Vermont resident with a medical marijuana prescription, lost his job due to a positive drug test and has appealed to the Vermont Supreme Court for unemployment benefits. 斯科里克的工作表现并未受到下班后使用医用大麻的影响,但雇主的药物测试导致他被解雇。 Skoric's work performance was not affected by his off-duty medical cannabis usage, but his employer's drug test led to his termination. 斯科里克的案例引发了人们对医用大麻使用与医用大麻合法州的就业政策之间关系的质疑。 Skoric's case raises questions about the relationship between medical marijuana use and employment policies in states where cannabis is legal for medical purposes.