Vermont man Ivo Skoric在因医用大麻而被解雇后失去了失业上诉。 Vermont man Ivo Skoric lost unemployment appeal after being fired for medical marijuana use.
佛蒙特州男子伊沃·斯科里克 (Ivo Skoric) 在随机药物测试中检测出医用大麻使用呈阳性后被解雇,他在州最高法院的失业救济金上诉失败。 Vermont man Ivo Skoric, who was fired after testing positive for medical marijuana use during a random drug test, lost his appeal for unemployment benefits at the state Supreme Court. Skoric用大麻进行慢性疼痛,声称他的工作表现没有受到影响,但法院裁定他违反了工作场所的毒品和酒精政策,因此他不能享受福利。 Skoric, who used marijuana for chronic pain, claimed his job performance wasn't affected, but the court ruled his violation of the workplace's drug and alcohol policy disqualified him from benefits. 该决定没有涉及佛蒙特州雇员在休息时间使用医疗大麻的权利。 The decision didn't address the right of Vermont employees to use medical cannabis in their off-hours.