瑞典当局指控伊朗的伊斯兰革命卫队在瑞典短信服务处策划2023年的违反数据事件,发送了15 000条信息,煽动报复和仇视伊斯兰教。 Swedish authorities accuse Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of orchestrating a 2023 data breach at a Swedish SMS service, sending 15,000 messages inciting revenge and Islamophobia.
瑞典当局指控伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队于2023年在瑞典的短信服务处密谋破坏数据。 Swedish authorities have accused Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of orchestrating a data breach at a Swedish SMS service in 2023. 这一违反导致发出约15 000条信息,敦促对那些焚烧《古兰经》的人进行报复。 This breach led to the sending of approximately 15,000 messages urging revenge against those who burned the Quran. 其目的是将瑞典描绘成仇视伊斯兰教和煽动社会分裂。 The aim was to depict Sweden as Islamophobic and incite societal division. 尽管查明了黑客的身份,但由于法律限制,起诉是不可能的。 Despite identifying the hackers, prosecution is unlikely due to legal constraints. 伊朗官员尚未对指控作出答复。 Iranian officials have not responded to the allegations.