在亚利桑那州坦佩的一个民主党办事处遭到枪击,造成财产损失,但没有人受伤。 A Democratic Party office in Tempe, Arizona was shot at, causing property damage but no injuries.
周一在亚利桑那州坦佩的一个民主党竞选办公室遭到枪击,造成财产损失,但没有人受伤,因为办公室在事件发生期间无人占用。 A Democratic Party campaign office in Tempe, Arizona, was shot at on Monday, causing property damage but no injuries, as the office was unoccupied during the incident. 坦佩警察局正在将它作为财产犯罪处理,并与梅萨法医股进行持续调查。 The Tempe Police Department is treating it as a property crime and is conducting an ongoing investigation with the Mesa Forensic Unit. 当局正在敦促任何有情报的人站出来。 Authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward. Arizona DNC竞选经理Sean McEnerney对警方的迅速反应表示感谢。 Sean McEnerney, the Arizona DNC campaign manager, expressed gratitude for the police's swift response.