9 月 29 日,一名嫌疑人在斯科茨代尔破坏了共和党人卡里·莱克 (Kari Lake) 和马特·格雷斯 (Matt Gress) 的政治标语。 On September 29, a suspect vandalized political signs for Republicans Kari Lake and Matt Gress in Scottsdale.
斯科茨代尔警方正在寻找一名涉嫌破坏政治标志的嫌疑人, Scottsdale police are seeking a suspect who vandalized political signs early on September 29, around 4:30 a.m., at Hayden Road and Sweetwater Avenue. 视频显示该男子骑着自行车破坏了共和党候选人卡里·莱克和马特·格雷斯的标志. The individual, seen on video riding a bike, damaged signs for Republican candidates Kari Lake and Matt Gress. 当局将这种行为归类为诽谤性的政治迹象。 Authorities classify the act as defacing political signs. 警方要求任何知情人士拨打480-312-8477(TIPS)。 Police urge anyone with information to call 480-312-8477 (TIPS). 莱克的竞选活动将这起事件与充满仇恨言论的更广泛的气氛联系起来. Lake's campaign has linked the incident to a broader climate of hate-filled rhetoric.