查谟和克什米尔的毒品贸易部将毒品贸易与来自巴基斯坦的恐怖主义资金联系起来。 Jammu and Kashmir's DGP links narcotics trade to terrorism funding from Pakistan.
查谟和克什米尔警察局局长R.R. Swain将麻醉品贸易与恐怖主义联系起来,指出毒品收益正在资助巴基斯坦的恐怖主义活动。 Jammu and Kashmir's Director General of Police, R. R. Swain, has linked the narcotics trade to terrorism, stating that drug proceeds are funding terrorist activities from Pakistan. 他指出,吸毒现象显著增加,并着重指出了前部长Babu Singh的案件,他发现此人身上有毒品钱财。 He noted a significant increase in drug abuse and highlighted the case of former minister Babu Singh, found with drug money. 警察优先打击麻醉品,在七个月内定罪150人,同时还旨在摧毁贩运网络和支持恢复工作。 The police prioritize combating narcotics, with 150 convictions in seven months, while also aiming to dismantle trafficking networks and support rehabilitation efforts.